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Managen Sie als Immobilienberater den Kauf und Verkauf von Wohnimmobilien jetzt auch zu jederzeit und von überall: Mit der Evernest App begleiten Sie als Immobilienmakler jeden Schritt der Immobilientransaktion ganz einfach von Ihrem Telefon, Schließen Sie erfolgreich Ihre Geschäfte ab, indem Sie Ihre Kontakte und Leads, Aufgaben und Termine sowie Objektinformationen und Kundenanfragen ganz einfach von Ihrem Telefon aus bearbeiten.
Mission Me
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Wir unterstützen Menschen auf dem Weg zu ihrem besseren Ich. Wir entwickeln Produkte, die Wegbegleiter sind. Wir fragen unsere Nutzer wer sie heute sind und wer sie morgen sein wollen – und finden heraus, wie wir sie auf dem Weg zum Ziel am besten unterstützen können.
vicoach App
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vicoach ist der beste Coach den du je hattest, denn er stellt den für DEINEN KÖRPER bestmöglichen Trainingsplan zusammen.
vicoach ist ein virtueller Coach für die ganzheitliche Steuerung deiner FITNESS, deiner ERNÄHRUNG und deiner REGENERATION. Du hast nur einen Körper. Lass uns dir helfen, ihn besser zu machen.
MoreContinental Loyalty App and Website
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Das MoreContinental Partner Program vereint ein Treueprogramm mit einer umfassenden, ständig wachsenden Wissensbasis und einem Kanal für Unternehmensnews. Zum Sammeln der Treuepunkte müssen die Mitarbeiter nur die Codes auf dem Label der Verpackung mit dem Handy scannen, dann landen die Punkte auf dem Konto der Werkstatt. Zusätzlich erhalten sie beim Scannen eine Bestätigung, dass es sich tatsächlich um ein Original-Markenprodukt handelt. Zu guter Letzt bietet die App direkt Einbauinformationen an.
Ein Tag Frei Flutter App
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“Ein Tag Frei” is an app that allows you to find hidden paradises in Hamburg. Imagine you have a day off but not enough time to go on a short trip. With this app you can discover new places that you’ve never heard of before. And they are all in or close to Hamburg. This app was previously released as native app in Android and iOS and is now relaunched as Flutter app.
LunchNow Web App
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Mit LunchNow entdeckst du neue Restaurants, verabredest dich
mit Freunden, Kollegen und Geschäftspartnern und machst deine Mittagspause zum Erlebnis!
Tierpuzzle – Für Kinder ab 3
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Die perfekte Puzzle App für Kinder ab 3 Jahren und die ganze Familie! Entdecke die liebevoll illustrierte Tierwelt. Spannende Puzzleformen, viele unterschiedliche Tiere, Töne und Interaktionen. Noch nie war es so leicht, das Kind so lange zu beschäftigen.
LunchNow App
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Mit LunchNow entdeckst du neue Restaurants, verabredest dich
mit Freunden, Kollegen und Geschäftspartnern und machst deine Mittagspause zum Erlebnis!
Die neue Hanseatic Bank App
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Mit der neuen App der Hanseatic Bank sind Sie jederzeit und überall sicher unterwegs. Die App bietet Ihnen volle Kontrolle über Ihre Umsätze und die Einstellungen Ihrer Kreditkarte.
Answers – Askreddit in a chat
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We use Askreddit and only show the topmost answers to a question in a chat-like dialog. No long scrolling through endless threads of comments. A very convenient way of consuming short stories, discussions, advice and funny answers. Done with React Native.
Picue App
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Momente gemeinsam erleben, festhalten und teilen: Das ist Picue, die neue Foto- und Video-App für private Gruppen. Halte mit deinen Freunden die nächste Party fest. Gründe eine Gruppe für den nächsten Urlaub zu zweit. Oder deinen Verein, deine Hochzeit, die Firmenfeier, deine Hobbys, deine Familie. Hol dir jetzt Picue und leg los!
Ein Tag Frei Website
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“Ein Tag Frei” is a website that allows you to find hidden paradises in Hamburg. This is the website representation of the afore released iOS and Android app.
Yoints 2.0
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Yoints is a mobile loyalty app for iOS that interacts with the Yoints BLE beacon technology.
Tribal Wars 2
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Tribal Wars 2, the free online strategy game, is the successor to InnoGames’ online hit Tribalwars. You become the ruler of a city in a war torn medieval universe and you have to defend your followers and your village and expand your empire to ensure its survival. To succeed you have to rely on your strength and your strategic skills.
But you won’t be able to do all of this on your own. Rally other players to your cause, build a tribe and form alliances with other tribes. Your political decisions could mean the difference between triumph and defeat in the world of Tribal Wars 2.
Selfie Remote
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Take your selfies to the next level! This app turns your iPhone into a remote control for other iPhones. Trigger the other camera at the push of a button, posing at your best. But wait, it gets better: Other apps made you pair both devices with cumbersome authorization procedures. Not with this app. Just enable bluetooth and you’re ready to go! It can’t get any simpler.
Eine Nacht Frei
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Do you want to know where the best attended party is tonight? Do you prefer more women or men at a party? This app helps you to plan your night. It is different to other apps: It tells you about the number of attendees at the party and the female to male ratio. It has way more events than usual event apps.
Come Closer
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Find iPhone users near you in a crowd at festivals, in shopping malls or even your blind date in a cafe! This app is different from others: You don’t need an internet connection. Thanks to power efficient Bluetooth Low Energy Technology, you can find other iPhones while offline and even when your phone is locked! It also works in closed areas where GPS often fails. Use it to play hide and seek or to find your misplaced second iPhone in a region of up to 100 feet (30 meters). This app tells you if you are approaching or leaving the target. Bluetooth Low Energy is now gaining widespread adoption. This app puts you in the future!
Eine Nacht Frei Facebook Page
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“Eine Nacht Frei” is a Facebook Page which automatically posts a simple list of events every day. Currently this works for Hamburg and Stuttgart. The data is computed using a Java cron job and Facebook API.
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You want to test or extend your vocabulary in another language? Play this game to find out how much you already know and to learn new words.
Dive into a 3D space with different planets. Each planet is associated with one word that has to be translated. Once you have touched the word, you will be presented multiple options. Find the correct translation of each planet!
Available languages are: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish
Dreamworks Animation (USA)
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DreamWorks Animation creates high-quality entertainment, including CG animated feature films, television specials and series and live entertainment properties, meant for audiences around the world. The Company has world-class creative talent, a strong and experienced management team and advanced filmmaking technology and techniques.
I’m in the credits of the following movies:
See Showreel for more information or visit IMDB
Bongfish Entertainment (Austria)
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Austria-based Bongfish develops authentic licensed action-sports video games through a proprietary game-engine that recreates the ‘soul & vibe’ of sports experiences. Back in 1999 Bongfish started by making a snowboarding game FLOW.game. Following this, Bongfish was turned into a game developing company in 2001. The company subsequently has grown by 25 people with over 98% of its employees touting academic degrees.
The Global Draw (A Scientific Games Company, Austria)
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Rockstar Vienna, Rockstar Games (Austria)
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Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Institute of Animation
Research Project “Artificial Actors”
We developed a system that uses an anatomically-based virtual representation of a human head. To make the appearance of the face more lifelike, we simulate a skull, skin, fatty tissue, and finally the most important part for facial animation: the muscles. This system is implemented in Alias Maya. The goal of this system is not only to achieve best results in authenticity of appearance but to make it usable for an animator who is sufficiently capable of using Maya and to make it possible to use it in real-time comprising quality.
Diploma Thesis, Muscle-Based Facial Animation (PDF)
R&D Programmer (internship, diploma thesis, freelancer)
Focus on C++, MEL, Maya API, 3D Studio Max
Research Project
Institute of Animation at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg